Join us May 13 for the 2025 Bluebonnet Annual Meeting!

Annual Meeting 2024
The crowd at last year’s Annual Meeting of Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative. The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held May 13 at The Silos on 77 near Giddings. 

Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 13, 2025, at The Silos on 77, 1031 CR 223, Giddings. Registration is from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m.

The Annual Meeting is Bluebonnet’s biggest event of the year and one of the benefits of being a cooperative member. If you’re not able to make the meeting on May 13, you can still be represented by submitting a proxy form. 

Proxy forms will arrive in a blue envelope to your mailbox starting in March and must be returned to a Bluebonnet member service center by 5 p.m. May 6, or postmarked by that day.

Board members serve staggered three-year terms. Three seats are up for election in 2025: District 1, Caldwell, Guadalupe, Gonzales and Hays counties; District 3, Bastrop County; and District 5, Burleson County.

Milton Shaw
Milton Shaw
Debbie Goertz
Debbi Goertz
Ben Flencher
Ben Flencher

The three incumbent directors up for re-election are Milton Shaw, District 1; Debbi Goertz, District 3; and Ben Flencher, District 5.


A guide to your proxy form 

Proxy explainerSubmitting your proxy or attending Bluebonnet’s Annual Meeting ensures your voice is heard and is one of the benefits of being a member of an electric cooperative. Whether you attend the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 13, or submit a proxy form, you’ll have a chance to win a prize. 

If you cannot find your proxy form, you can pick up a new one at a member service center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

 Click here to open a full-screen proxy guide» 




Annual Meeting FAQs

Bluebonnet’s Annual Meeting is one of the many benefits of being a member of an electric cooperative. The meeting, held each year in May, offers members the opportunity to meet the Board of Directors, the general manager and co-op staff. Members who attend the Annual Meeting also elect directors and attend to any Bluebonnet business before the meeting.

Three seats on Bluebonnet’s Board of Directors are up for election this year. There is one candidate for the District 1 seat, Caldwell, Hays, Guadalupe and Gonzales counties: Milton Shaw (incumbent). There is one candidate for the District 3 seat, Bastrop County: Debbi Goertz (incumbent). There is one candidate for the District 5 seat, Burleson County: Ben Flencher (incumbent).

All active Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative members are eligible to submit a proxy form. Members can vote in person at the Annual Meeting on May 13, 2025, or designate another Bluebonnet member to vote in their place by submitting a proxy form.

During Board elections, co-op members can vote for directors in all districts. The districts in the co-op’s service area were drawn along Bluebonnet’s service area boundary and county lines. The seven districts are represented by one to three directors in each district.

Members may vote by submitting their proxy form by May 6, 2025, or by attending the Annual Meeting in person on May 13, 2025.

Proxy voting allows members to designate Bluebonnet’s Proxy Committee or another natural person member to vote in his or her place. Proxies are counted to ensure a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting.

The Proxy Committee is composed of all Bluebonnet Board members whose terms are not currently up for election. This year’s Proxy Committee members are Roderick Emanuel, Robert Mikeska, Byron Balke, Shana Whiteley, Bryan Bracewell and Russell Jurk.

Complete the proxy form and return it by mail or drop it off at any of Bluebonnet’s member service centers in Bastrop, Brenham, Giddings, Lockhart or Manor. If you misplace the proxy form, pick one up at a member service center or call 800-842-7708. Proxies must either be hand-delivered to a member service center by 5 p.m. May 6, 2025, or mailed to:

Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative
c/o Survey & Ballot Systems
P.O. Box 46430
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-9751

Mailed proxies must be postmarked by May 6, 2025.

No, the proxy is valid only for the meeting specified on the proxy form.

Yes. When you register at the meeting, you may revoke your proxy and then vote in person.

Survey & Ballot Systems, a third-party independent vendor that specializes in administering corporate elections nationwide. It has the experience to efficiently and accurately tally proxies and votes while protecting members’ confidential account information.

Call a member service representative at 800-842-7708 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or email

Win a truck!
2025 prizes

Every member who votes by proxy or registers at the Annual Meeting will be entered to win a truck that is being retired from Bluebonnet’s fleet — plus other great prizes.

Bluebonnet's 2024 Annual Meeting recap