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Become a contractor for Bluebonnet to help us serve our members.

contractor crews

Open Requests

Title Due
Bluebonnet substation transformer
Underground utilities locating services

Vendors interested in bidding should frequently review this webpage for bid solicitations. Vendors who provide goods/services that do not require competitive bidding may be contacted directly by a Bluebonnet representative.  

Vendors who participate in a Bluebonnet RFP/RFQ process should email information requested to the contact provided in the RFP/RFQ. The following information may be required prior to providing Bluebonnet with any products or services: Vendors with whom Bluebonnet places orders or procures services that do not go through an RFP/RFQ should contact for inquiries or questions.  

  • An executed contract.
  • A completed and signed IRS Form W-9.
  • Proof of liability insurance (as outlined in the RFP/RFQ).
  • Vendors must not be listed as an excluded entity on
  • Vendors interested in bidding for construction and/or right-of-way work may be subject to Best Management Practices of Endangered Species in certain regions of Bluebonnet’s service territory.
  • Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) shall be in accordance with labeling, OSHA and industry standards.
  • DOT-regulated equipment must be adequate for the job and in compliance with DOT regulations.
  • All work shall be performed in compliance with all federal, state and OSHA safety standards.

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Contact us

For additional assistance or more information regarding Vendor Requirements, please email