About security lights

Whether you're installing, upgrading or requesting a replacement, we provide options to keep the service area secure and well-lit.


Bluebonnet provides dusk-to-dawn dark-sky compliant LED security lights for a monthly charge ranging from about $10 to just under $20, depending on the size of the light.

Security light installations require no upfront cost as long as the light will be placed on the same pole as your meter or transformer, or within one pole of the transformer. Otherwise, there could be a one-time installation fee. After the install, your bill will include monthly charges.

If you want to upgrade your working security light with a dark-sky compliant LED light, there is a one-time fee of $125, in addition to the monthly charges. Existing security lights that have gone out will be replaced with an energy-efficient LED light at no additional cost beyond the monthly charge. 

Call member services at 800-842-7708 on Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to discuss options for installing, upgrading or requesting repairs on your light.

Lighting service rates

Un-metered installations

53 Watt LED @ $10.57 per month per light

94 Watt LED @ $14.68 per month per light

140 Watt LED @ $19.67 per month per light

175 Watt Mercury Vapor @ $10.40 per month per light

100 Watt Hi-Pressure Sodium @ $10.57 per month per light

250 Watt Hi-Pressure Sodium @ $14.68 per month per light

400 Watt Hi-Pressure Sodium @ $19.67 per month per light

Security light repair request

There is a $125 charge to upgrade a working security light with an LED light. Learn more about security lights and costs here.

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