Thank a lineworker on Appreciation Day
Lineman appreciation

Bluebonnet lineworker Frank Garza works in a bucket truck near Lockhart, above. There are more than 100 line workers and supervisors at the cooperative. April 10 marks National Line Worker Appreciation Day. Sarah Beal photo

National Lineman Appreciation Day is April 10. It’s a chance to thank the men and women who work day and night, 365 days a year, to build, restore and maintain the nation’s — and Bluebonnet’s — power supply system. 

Electric cooperatives observe the second Monday in April as National Lineworker Appreciation Day, after a 2014 decision by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association board.

Alternatively, National Lineman Appreciation Day on April 18 also honors those who work around the clock to keep the power going.

Check out Bluebonnet’s social media to see our kudos to Bluebonnet’s lineworkers. It’s a perfect opportunity to say thanks to the  cooperative’s line workers. 

Want to become a line worker? Bluebonnet accepts applications for its U.S. Department of Labor Certified Apprentice Program on the first Tuesday of every month. Find applications and other career opportunities here.

Join us in thanking a lineworker on Lineworker Appreciation Day!