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Battle of the Backyard

Test your knowledge of friends and foes in Central Texas landscapes

By Addie Broyles

They seemed like good ideas at the time.

Remember the Chinaberry tree in your parents’ backyard? Who didn’t have a thick privet hedge for privacy? And what’s so bad about a backyard full of Bermuda grass?

The bark scale and lone star tick are high on the bad-bug list in Central Texas. Do you know what they look like?

Our quizzes test your knowledge of undesirable plants and insects in our landscapes. Most are classified as invasive species, which are nonnative species that are bad for the environment, economy or your health. Others may not make the invasives list, but can still present problems in area lawns and fields.

It can take time to fully understand problems with a species, said Mike Arnold, director of The Gardens at Texas A&M University and a professor in the university’s Department of Horticultural Sciences.

brown recluse
The nonnative brown recluse spider's bite can be dangerous.

We’re talking about “aggressive or adaptive plants,” he said. Invasives can outcompete native species and cause a devastating ripple effect in the ecosystem and the industries that rely on it. They cost the United States $137 billion annually, according to the Texas Invasive Species Institute in Huntsville.

Some of the most economically harmful invasive species of plants and creatures are in Texas lakes. Plants such as giant salvinia, water hyacinth and zebra mussels hurt the local ecosystem, cause millions of dollars in damage to water treatment plants, and cause lost boating and tourism revenue on heavily affected lakes.

When a region loses its natural diversity, it is more susceptible to diseases and harmful pests, too.

“As we experience global climate change, invasives are going to put increased physiological effects on these ecosystems,” Arnold said. “When an extreme cold snap kills a certain plant, it creates opportunities for plants that weren’t previously invasive to become a problem.”

Test your knowledge of the plants and bugs (and one worm) that make the nice and naughty lists in area gardens and fields with our quizzes. Plus, learn what native plants can best replace less-desirable ones in your landscape.

The Great Central Texas Plants Quiz

Is it good for your garden, or will it sow destruction?

It’s time to test your knowledge of what’s growing in your landscape or pasture, and learn a little more about plants in our region: Are they dependable natives or destructive interlopers?

chinese tallow tree1

__________, an invasive tree that originated in China, grows in the Bluebonnet region. Long used as a landscaping tree, it became widespread in the 1950s. It crowds out native plants with its deep taproot and tolerance for drought.

A. Chinaberry tree

B. Heavenly bamboo

C. Chinese privet

D. Chinese tallow tree

Answer: D

The Chinese tallow trees in our area were introduced by the U.S. government as a source of seed oil for soap. Also known as “popcorn trees,” their waxy seeds look like a favorite movie snack. But don’t eat them. They’re poisonous!

chinaberry tree2

Which two of the following are true about the chinaberry tree, a member of the mahogany family, native to China, Indonesia and Australia?

A. It was brought to the United States in the late 1700s by a French botanist.

B. It’s not bad for planting because it provides shade.

C. Seeds can be poisonous to people and pets, and birds can get intoxicated by eating rotting seeds.

D. It is found in all 50 states.

Answers: A and C

Even though these fast-growing trees are shade kings, chinaberries are invasives that sprout so many trees under their canopy they can become a landscaping mess. They are sold in many nurseries in the South, because they can’t withstand cold climates. Chinaberry has yellow seeds and violet flowers. It is similar to the Western soapberry, which is native to Central Texas.

yaupon holly3

Privets — also known as Ligustrums — are still popular hedge plants in many Bluebonnet-area yards. There are many varieties, but the Chinese privet can quickly take over a Central Texas ecosystem. Which of these is a better shrub alternative that also happens to be the only native-grown source of caffeine in North America?

A. Yaupon holly

B. Cenizo

C. Texas mallow

D. Flame acanthus

Answer: A

The yaupon holly is a better choice. The woody evergreen shrub or small tree can grow up to 25 feet, and female plants are known for their bright red berries. They are native to the eastern, southern and southwestern states. Yaupon holly’s leaves and twigs can make a caffeinated tea you may find for sale at local farmers markets. The other plants on the list are also native and make excellent substitutes for the pestilent privet.


Bermuda grass is still popular as a turfgrass, but it is also considered a weed. It is one of the most common aggressive grasses in Texas, likely arriving from Africa. It can handle Central Texas heat and droughts, creeps into crops, covers the soil and is hard to remove. Consider planting this native turfgrass instead:

A. Zoysia

B. King Ranch bluestem

C. St. Augustine

D. Buffalo grass

Answer: D

The only native turfgrass on the above list is buffalo grass, which once fed millions of grazing bison from Mexico to Montana. It doesn’t require a lot of water. Zoysia and St. Augustine grasses are popular but aggressive and can spread rapidly. King Ranch bluestem, also aggressive, came from Europe and Asia in the 1920s and was planted on the famous King Ranch in South Texas in the 1930s.


True or false: Juniper trees are among the state’s worst invasive tree species.

Answer: False

Junipers, as well as cedar trees, are responsible for many Central Texans’ allergies from December through February, but both are native to Texas. In fact, junipers have been growing here for centuries. Many people mistake junipers for cedars. The two types of trees have a similar smell, but junipers belong to the cypress family and cedars to the pine family. Ashe junipers, though widespread, provide food for birds and butterflies, and forage for mammals. One common juniper, however, is named "native redcedar," which may contribute to the confusion.


Native plants in many rivers, lakes and creeks of Central Texas have been getting pushed out by invasives in the last 20 years. Conversely, which two of these water plants should you be happy to see in your water garden?

A. Cow lily

B. Alligator weed

C. Hydrilla

D. Humped bladderwort

Answers: A and D

Cow lily and humped bladderwort are good choices if you have a lake or pond. The bladderwort is attractive, plus it can capture and consume insects. Avoid alligator weed and hydrilla at all costs. Hydrilla is right up there with water hyacinth and giant salvinia as one of the most damaging invasive water plants in the Bluebonnet region, including in Lake Somerville and the Fayette County Reservoir. Hydrilla can suffocate other plants, fish and some animals.

giant reed7

This aggressive invasive, native to East Asia, can tower more than 20 feet tall in watery areas throughout the Bluebonnet region, including in ditches alongside roads. It grows thick roots and absorbs water that could benefit native plants.

A. Giant reed

B. Heavenly bamboo

C. Giant hogweed

D. Salt cedar

Answer: A

Although all of the above are invasive plants, the giant reed is perhaps the biggest threat. It can burn quickly and spread via pernicious, hard-to-kill rhizomes. The clumps of reeds are hard to dig out of the ground. Many folks resort to a glyphosate herbicide.


bradford pearWhat flowering tree that your parents might have planted turned out to be a bad idea (and not just because it stinks in spring)?

A. Magnolia

B. Bradford pear

C. Crepe myrtle

D. Oleander

Answer: B

It can look nice, but it’s the weedy Bradford pear that was introduced from China in the early 1900s. Some folks still plant it, even though it smells terrible when it flowers. Its branches break easily in storms. The other three flowering trees on the list — magnolia, crepe myrtle and oleander — look nice and are popular, but they can outcompete native trees for growing room. Lady Bird Johnson would have preferred you plant a Texas redbud.

9bastard cabbage

Don’t let their cute little yellow flowers fool you. This plant is choking out Texas’ beloved wildflowers.

A. Rue

B. Horsetail

C. Beggar’s lice

D. Bastard cabbage

Answer: D

Noxious, weedy bastard cabbage from southern Europe and northern Africa, also known as turnip weed or wild rape, smothers native plants and can quickly cover a field. Nativized rue and horsetail are fine plants to grow in your yard. Beggar’s lice is native, but it can fill your yard with burrs in summer.  

10red-streaked leafhopper

These two invasive species go together like grackles and parking lots.

A. King Ranch bluestem and red-streaked leafhopper

B. Hackberry trees and cankerworm caterpillars, also known as inchworms

C. Agarita bushes and carpenter bees

D. Greenbrier vine and possums

Answer: A

Bluestem and the leafhopper, which may resemble a grasshopper, are both invasive. The insect feeds on native and nonnative grasses, and sugarcane crops. Hackberry trees and agarita bushes are weedy, but they’re native to Texas and are food sources for wildlife, including cankerworm caterpillars and carpenter bees. The nativized greenbrier vine — originally from the eastern United States, just like the possums that feed on it — isn’t as much of a pest as the poison ivy that usually grows near it. By the way, grackles are native, too. Parking lots, not so much.

plant this not that

Good bug or bad bug? Take the quiz.

Stop before you squish! That insect could be good for your landscape. Most bugs are good — about 97% of them, according to some experts. But there are some insects that cause more harm than help to people, animals or the environment. Beneficial bugs help pollinate plants and crops, aerate soil, balance the ecosystem, recycle organic matter and even eat bad bugs. Test your knowledge of native, nonnative and invasive bugs, and one worm (it’s so bad, we couldn’t leave it out).

1formosan termites

Formosan subterranean termites have been eating lumber in Texas homes since at least the 1950s. Why are they worse than regular termites?

A. They build huge aerial nests.

B. They reproduce faster than other species.

C. They secrete a foul odor.

D. They resist all forms of treatment.

Answers: A and B

Formosan termites are the most destructive kind, causing more than $1 billion in damage to U.S. homes annually. There are many ways to keep termites at bay: Get information from Texas A&M’s AgriLife Extension website: Go to and search for "termites." If you’ve already got termites, Formosan or not, call in professionals to use termiticide, fumigation and/or continual baiting until the colony is eliminated.


Which three of these ants should you leave alone in your yard?

A. Tawny crazy ants

B. Red fire ants

C. Pyramid ants

D. Leafcutter ants

E. Harvester ants

Answers: C, D & E

Pyramid, leafcutter and harvester ants are all native. They might carve a path in your grass or make a bald spot near their nest, but they are important to our ecosystem. Invasive tawny crazy ants and red fire ants are decimating our native ant populations. Texas A&M’s fire-ant research and management project recommends using pesticide baits from late August through October.

3carpenter bee

True or false: Honeybees are a native species that thrives on Texas wildflowers.

Answer: False

There are more than 1,000 species of native bees in Texas, but honeybees are not one of them. Honeybees are native to Europe, Africa and the Middle East, although they’ve been in North America since the 1600s. “Hardcore naturalists aren’t fans of honeybees, but they don’t disrupt native bees, to our knowledge,” said Molly Keck, an integrated pest-management program specialist with Texas A&M University who hosts two podcasts on Texas pests. Bees native to Texas include bumblebees, carpenter bees and sweat bees.

4bark scale

Love your crepe myrtles? Watch out for this tiny insect causing big problems in Brazos, Williamson and Travis counties.

A. Bark scale

B. Varied carpet beetle

C. Confused flour beetle

D. Cochineal scale

Answer: A

Some scales, like cochineal, which lives on prickly pear cactus, are native, but the bark scale is not. After emerging from clusters of felt-like egg sacs, these tiny, oval-shaped insects with shell-like coverings can quickly give rise to a dark, sooty fungus that blackens crepe myrtle bark, making the tree susceptible to disease. Flour and carpet beetles are troublesome for homeowners, but they aren’t a problem for trees.

5hammerhead flatworm

Hammerhead flatworms, recently spotted in Houston, are among the fastest-spreading, most troubling invasive species in Texas because:

A. They travel easily and quickly via wet ground, including sidewalks, roads and waterways.

B. They can irritate your skin and can make pets sick if ingested.

C. They can regenerate parts of their body, so stepping on one could just create two worms.

D. They eat other species of worms.

Answer: All of the above

Earlier this year, the state’s Invasive Species Institute made a special appeal to folks in Central Texas to be on alert for this flatworm with a hammer-shaped head that came to America 100 years ago from Southeast Asia. It reproduces and travels quickly, and harms humans and animals, so take a photo of it before you kill it by putting salt and/or vinegar or citrus oil on it. Email your photo to Be sure to tell them where you found it.


Which is the native: a ladybug or a ladybird beetle?

Answer: Ladybug

Although the two look similar, ladybird beetles, native to Asia, were introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the 1960s to control agricultural pests. They aren’t invasive, though, and even though they can swarm inside your home when it gets cold, or bite to protect themselves, they are good for your garden. The beetles eat aphids and mites, just like ladybugs.

7lone star tick

This insect’s bite can cause humans to have a sudden onset of an allergy to red meat.

A. Asian tiger mosquito

B. Damsel fly

C. Lone star tick

D. Common bed bug

Answer: C

The lone star tick — named not for Texas, but for the white star on its back — can cause alpha-gal syndrome, which can create a lifelong allergic reaction to red meat (think hives, itching, swelling and shortness of breath). These ticks, more common in the northeast United States, are starting to show up more in Texas, including in Fayette, Burleson and Austin counties.


Spiders might scare you, but you shouldn’t kill most of them: They are good for the environment. Which two of these should you leave alone (or carefully move outside if one is in the house)?

A. Wolf spider

B. Brown recluse spider 

C. Orb spider

D. Brown widow spider

Answer: A and C

Wolf and orb spiders are two native species that do a lot of good in an ecosystem: They eat smaller insects and they're eaten themselves by birds. The brown widow is nonnative and, though less dangerous than its native cousin, the black widow, it still packs a venomous bite. The brown recluse’s bite can cause all kinds of problems, including fever, nausea and even necrosis.

9kissing bug

There are more than 150 species of assassin bugs in the United States, but this is the only one to worry about because it can carry a parasite that causes Chagas disease, which can be life-threatening.

A. Ambush bug

B. Milkweed assassin bug

C. Giant wheel bug

D. Kissing bug

Answer: D

Also known as the cone-nosed bug, kissing bugs can bite humans (and dogs) and transmit a parasite that causes the potentially fatal Chagas disease that can lead to flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting and a rash. Cases have been reported in Fayette, Lee and Travis counties. The other three assassin bugs are fine: They eat soft-bodied insects that might chew up your crops.

horny toad

Did you know?

The Texas horned lizard, often called a “horny toad” or “horned frog,” is now considered a threatened species in Texas due to habitat loss and the decline of native ants, in particular the harvester ant.

Fun fact: In 1928, a horned lizard that was said to have been sealed in a time capsule 
for more than 30 years was found alive after all that time. The lizard, named Ol’ Rip, went on tour, including a stop at the White House to meet President Calvin Coolidge, and inspired a rush on horned lizard sales.  

natives worth planting


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Test your knowledge of friends and foes 
in Central Texas landscapes

Spend a day in Smithville

Enjoy the artwork, hometown feel and shopping in Bastrop County

The greatest antiques show in Texas

Tiny Round Top transforms into one of America’s biggest shopping destinations, drawing 150,000 or more treasure hunters

By Sharon Jayson
Nancy Krause
Nancy Krause, left, at her booth at the Big Red Barn this spring. She was one of the vendors at the first Round Top Antiques Show in 1968 and plans to be back this fall for her 55th year. Sarah Beal photo

Nancy Krause has been here since the beginning. 

She is the last remaining dealer from the 25 or so who set up shop at the first Round Top Antiques Show in the fall of 1968.

Next month will mark her 55th year selling rare and vintage finds. You can find her, as usual, in booth 327 in the 30,000-square-foot Big Red Barn venue, about a mile from the original show’s location, Rifle Hall. 

“I usually like to bring colors and pottery that lend themselves to fall decorating,” Krause said, explaining how she will prepare her 9-by-20-foot booth for October’s event. “I know where everything is going before I get there.” 

Krause, 87, has operated Nancy’s Antiques in Brenham since 1965. She has missed only one Round Top show, in the spring 54 years ago, when she gave birth to her youngest child. 

Those original sellers probably never dreamed their little event would evolve into a global shopping phenomenon. 

Now, every spring and fall, as many as 4,000 dealers from around the nation and other countries set up shop for 150,000 or more shoppers at the Round Top Antiques Show. It’s been called the country’s largest antiques festival, both for the square footage of shopping space and the square mileage it occupies.

The events are located almost midway between Austin and Houston, within the Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative service area. 

It’s not just one show: Almost 100 venues are set up, most along an 11-mile stretch of State Highway 237, stretching from Carmine to Warrenton. Other venues can be found in Burton and Fayetteville, all within a 20-mile radius of Round Top in Fayette County. 

The town’s 87 residents, by Mayor Mark Massey’s count, see their area transformed for a few weeks each spring and fall into an Instagram darling for destination shopping. Their streets are packed with visitors from out of town, out of state and overseas. There is a winter show in January, but it is shorter, smaller and draws fewer participants.  

Whether a devoted Round Top veteran or a novice, everyone is on something of a treasure hunt. Mingling amid the serious shoppers and casual browsers are celebrities, TV and social media influencers, decorators and designers arriving to see what’s there and to be seen.

The next fall event begins in mid-October. Some venues open as early as Oct. 12, others as late as Oct. 24. All end by Oct. 29.

Merchandise here ranges from high-end European furniture and fine art from around the globe that can cost thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars, to flea-market bargains that will get you change back from a $20 bill. There is an eclectic mix of styles: Americana, Texana, midcentury modern, French country, classic European and contemporary, to name a few. Shoppers can find decor, jewelry, clothing, vintage signs, stylish Western boots and hats, one-of-a-kind collectibles and unusual collections spilling from tents, trailers, barns, air-conditioned buildings and historic properties. 

Beth Berke
Beth Berke, above, is a new Marburger Farm vendor, selling her antiques at the Round Top show for the
first time this spring. Ken Herman photo

“Round Top has an amazing reputation as a place with a lot of design energy,” said Beth Berke of Chicago, who was selling her antiques for the first time at Round Top during this year’s spring show. “It attracts people from all over the U.S., and I thought it would be fun to come and be a part of that,” she said. “I was excited when a space opened up.”

Her 15-by-30-foot space at Round Top’s Marburger Farm Antique Show limited her to “a sampling” of inventory from her 6,000-square-foot South Loop Loft showroom in Chicago: furniture, decorative arts, rugs and textiles, lighting, accessories and artisan items. She specializes in one-of-a-kind European pieces from the 1940s through 1990s.

Tracy Blacketer
Tracy Blacketer s the Marburger Farm show manager.  Sarah Beal photo

The Marburger Farm show, just south of Round Top, features more than 300 dealers selling primarily antiques inside nine tents — five the size of football fields — and 10 historic buildings on 43 acres, said Tracy Blacketer, show manager.

Not all of Round Top’s vendors offer high-end goods. Sure, shoppers can buy elite items that come with certificates of authenticity, but they can also find collectibles sold from small roadside tents. 

“Round Top is extraordinary in that it provides an escapism many are seeking, regardless of their bank account,” Blacketer said. 

The venues have multiplied and spread for miles from that first show in Rifle Hall. The Original Round Top Antiques Fair, as it is now known, includes the Big Red Barn (a climate-controlled building with an array of antiques, fine glass, art and jewelry), the Continental Tent (an air-conditioned tent with antique furnishings) and the Barn’s Annex. 

Stephanie Disney
Stephanie Layne Disney, center, is the show manager of the Original Round Top Antiques Fair, which she and her family purchased last year. She is flanked by her sister, Caroline Layne, and her brother, Corey Layne,  at the Blue Hills venue, also owned by the Layne family. Sarah Beal photo

“People started to see this magical antique wonderland,” said Stephanie Layne Disney, the show manager of the Original Round Top Antiques Fair. The Layne family, native Houstonians and sixth-generation Texans, bought the show in 2022. They had previously purchased another major Round Top venue, Blue Hills, south of the Big Red Barn and north of Round Top. That 100,000-plus square feet of shopping space includes more than 75 vendors, plus food, parking and restrooms.

Antiques Warrenton
A group of friends shops at Punkie’s Place in Warrenton, above. Many shoppers pull their purchases around in carts. From left are Jennifer Crow from Lipan, Katie Foster and Shelly Self (in the pink jacket) from Chandler, Emily Rogers from Kilgore and Jodi Robinson from Lipan. Sarah Beal photo

Disney, who lives in Fort Worth, has an interior design and antiques background. Growing up, she and her mother often shopped the Round Top shows. Now, the events aren’t just about shopping: “It’s about what you’re wearing, where you are, what events you’re at,” she said. 

Almost every evening, venues host events where brands promote products. “A lot of people put on a dinner and invite other influencers,” Disney said. Sought-after invitations and tickets are part of the Round Top scene. 

Former Texas First Lady Linda Gale White arrived at the Big Red Barn for the spring opening day earlier this year with a group of friends who have been coming to Round Top for more than 30 years. She returned the next day for Marburger Farm’s opening.

“I love finding the little jewel that attracts my eye,” said White, 81, who was shopping for items for her small antiques business in Houston.

The Marburger show, which opened in 1997, is owned by a Dallas-based real estate development and investment services company. Manager Blacketer touted the quality of Marburger’s offerings: “These are masterfully created vignettes that come from merchandise sourced all over the globe,” she said.    

Among Marburger’s dealers is one of its co-founders, Ed Gage. Many know Gage for Uncommon Objects, his longtime South Congress Avenue shop in Austin. In the mid-1990s, he and a partner bought the 44-acre Marburger property that was once a farm. He calls himself “a lifelong treasure hunter.”

Ed Gage
Ed Gage, a co-founder of the Marburger Farm show about 25 years ago, can still be found in his original Tent A booth location. He specializes in antique jewelry. Sarah Beal photo

“We’re kind of road-warrior gypsies who travel from town to town,” said Gage, who sells mostly jewelry and art. “There’s a huge camaraderie and support system of people who love their neighbors, treat each other well and see each other at the next show.” 

Among those who planned to be first in line when Marburger’s doors opened last spring was first-time show shopper Jennie Logan of Dallas. She was on a mission to find a buffet for her dining room. She was with her friend and interior designer Lacy Lange, a Round Top regular for at least six years. 

“All these people who have stand-alone shops all around the country and bring the best of their stuff to this small town are pretty amazing,” Logan said.

Jenny Logan
Dallasites Jennie Logan, left, a first-timer at the antiques festival this spring, with her friend and designer Lacy Lange, who has been coming to the events for the past six years, examine wares at the Big Red Barn. Ken Herman photo

“I did find the elusive buffet I was looking for and had to get that shipped,” she said, adding that she also bought “probably 15 pieces of art, a big rattan bench, two side tables and two lamps.” 

Does all the selling and buying benefit the residents of Round Top? Massey, the town’s mayor, a Houston native who was elected in 2020, said the antique show is “entrepreneurship at its finest.”

“We all talk and cooperate as best we can. There’s no organization that runs it or checks in with vendors,” he said. “Each venue is independently operated. Outside of our town’s one square mile, the town has no jurisdiction over the venues,” and many are expanding their existing sites, he added. 

Mark Massey
Mark Massey, left, the mayor of Round Top, touts the antiques show’s impact on tourism. It is ‘entrepreneurship at its finest,’ he said. Laura Skelding photo

“The town of Round Top has witnessed a major increase in year-round tourism, resulting in annual sales tax revenue of just over $400,000 in the last fiscal year,” Massey said. 

This fall will be Round Top native Lauriano Pineda Jr.’s fourth show as a dealer of art, decor, furniture and pottery imported from Mexico. He and a partner operate Terracotta Cowboy out of an 80-by-40-foot leased building in the Round Top venue Cisco Village.  

“It’s kind of a wild thing. I grew up in Round Top and watched it when nothing was here. I’m 31. I’ve seen it grow up from dirt roads to what it is now,” he said. “I think it’s wonderful. There’s always somewhere to go out. To be from Round Top is like saying you’re from Aspen.”

Lauriano Pienda Jr
Lauriano Pineda Jr. stands among the wares at his store, Terracotta Cowboy. Pineda's business partner buys pieces from Mexico and brings them to Round Top to sell. Sarah Beal photo

Pineda’s import business is open only during the shows, as are many of the venues that aren’t year-round shops in permanent locations along the State Highway 237 corridor and in nearby communities. Just south of Round Top, the Marketplace Warrenton offers rental spaces for vendors’ RVs. North of Round Top, the La Bahia Antique Show near Burton is in a historic 1879 dance hall and community center.

Ron Naumann
Sgt. Ron Naumann, right, of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, on his horse, J.R., patrols the action and traffic on State Highway 237 along with Sgt. Angela Lala, left, atop Splinter. Sarah Beal photo

Ron Naumann, a sergeant with the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, knows all about the growth that can back traffic up by as much as 12 miles every spring and fall. He has coordinated traffic and security for shows since 1996, when events lasted only a few days. After the first year, Naumann started working on horseback to cover more ground and better coordinate with the assortment of assisting officers from other jurisdictions. 

He still does his job atop a horse. 

Less likely to be caught in traffic are the celebrities who make their way to Round Top, sometimes in helicopters. Actors, singers, sports stars and well-known TV interior designers and decorators have been spotted shopping. They’ve included TV home makeover stars Chip and Joanna Gaines, designer/actor Carson Kressley, actor Matthew McConaughey, country singer Miranda Lambert, former NFL star Peyton Manning and many more. 

Suzanne Fox
Suzanne Fox, an antiques vendor from California, specializes in high-end pieces at her Silver Dollar Saloon booth near the center of Marburger Farm. Sarah Beal photo

Long-timer Krause says it’s easy for her to spot wealthy buyers.  

“They come in and just say ‘I’ll take this,’ and somebody comes behind them with a sold tag,” she said.

It’s a far cry from the early days when Emma Lee Turney, a Houston antiques dealer, organized that first show. Turney, who died in 2021 at the age of 92, created a tradition that has evolved into the ultimate Texas “shopportunity.”  

For Krause, the 2023 winter show in January marked a milestone in her Round Top antique-selling career: She sold out for the first time. 

Her trip back to Brenham had never been easier.

“I had taken some live plants I’ve decorated with, and when I was packing up to leave, two ladies from South Carolina asked me if the plants were for sale. So, I even sold my decorations,” Krause said. “Then I picked up my purse and walked out the door.” 



Getting there, the big venues and more

Round Top map
Most of nearly 100 venues that are part of the Round Top Antiques Show are on an 11-mile stretch of State Highway 237, from Carmine to Warrenton. Other shopping can be done in Burton and Fayetteville. The sellers are within a 20-mile radius of Round Top in Fayette County.

About 100 venues hosting up to 4,000 vendors will open for business in October during the Round Top Antiques Show. Most are concentrated along an 11-mile stretch of State Highway 237, starting at the intersection with U.S. 290 and heading south to Warrenton. Some shopping is available in nearby communities as well.  

Dates and times of operation will vary. The first venue opens Oct. 12 and the last opens Oct. 24; the final day of sales is Oct. 29.

Some of the larger venues, heading south along State Highway 237, include:

BIG RED BARN and ANNEX, and CONTINENTAL TENT (also known as the Original Round Top Antiques Fair): south of the intersection of State Highway 237 and U.S. 290

BLUE HILLS: 26-acre property with 100,000 square feet of shopping space, more than 60 vendors

THE ARBORS: about 70,000 square feet of shopping; more than 120 dealers selling antique and new furniture, textiles, jewelry and art

THE HALLES: largely open-air venue with eight buildings (three enclosed) where vendors sell art, antiques, artisan furniture and lighting

BADER RANCH AT ROUND TOP: antiques and garden decor, as well as midcentury modern furnishings and assorted vintage and handmade apparel and jewelry 

MARBURGER FARM: more than 300 dealers with goods from around the world across 10 historic buildings and nine tents

THE COMPOUND: six barns (two climate-controlled) where shoppers can find antiques, furniture, decorative arts, lighting and architectural objects, as well as jewelry, silver and more

In Warrenton, shoppers should be prepared to do a lot of walking, because the small town is host to a variety of venues along both sides of State Highway 237. Sarah Beal photo

WARRENTON: small town that has come into its own as a venue or, rather, multiple venues that stretch along several miles of State Highway 237. A hodgepodge of goods spill across open fields, out of tents and in structures, both temporary and permanent


BURTON: north of the intersection of U.S. 290 and State Highway 237, has some small shops; La Bahia venue, just south, is one of the first on Highway 237

CARMINE: on U.S. 290, just west of its intersection with Highway 237 and near the major venues; has several year-round antiques shops

FAYETTEVILLE: several miles southeast of Warrenton, has some offerings, including year-round antiques stores


Check websites and Instagram feeds of individual venues 



Tips for making the rounds
at the Round Top show

Expect traffic delays, especially on opening days. The scenery on State Highway 237 changes as you move from the more polished Round Top-area venues to the less fussy temporary tents with a flea-market feel in the Warrenton area.

  • Each of the more than 100 venues is independently owned and operated, setting their own opening and closing dates within the time frame of the overall show. Amenities vary: Some are air-conditioned, others not; some have permanent bathrooms, others don’t. Some have restaurant-like seating and dining, others have limited menus, takeout or food trucks. 
  • Admission prices for venues vary. Early-admission tickets to Marburger Farm are $40; VIP tickets to the Original Round Top Antiques Fair venues are $25; others range from $15 to free for most.
  • Plot your strategy, and do your research. You can opt to visit multiple sales, but with so many big venues on large grounds stretched far apart, covering one or two may be all you can manage in a day. Be prepared to both walk and to move your car from place to place. Some parking is free; some isn’t. 
  • Newbies, manage your expectations. Have a shopping list. There is more merchandise for sale than you can imagine, and another show is always around the corner. Large items can usually be shipped, and there are many shipping options. You will need to lug around the rest of your purchases and load them into your vehicle. The bigger your vehicle, the more room for unplanned purchases. 
  • Dress for comfort and prepare to walk for miles. Wide-brimmed hats can help. Broken-in sturdy shoes or boots are essential. There’s not a Round Top uniform, but if you want to see what folks wear, check the venues’ Instagram feeds.
    Outside The Continental Tent, adjacent to the Big Red Barn, dozens of sandstone balls from the 1920s — coveted by decorators as accent pieces — are on display. The balls were part of a water filtration system on the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. Ken Herman photo



Former Texas First Lady Linda Gale White, the widow of Gov. Mark White, discusses an item with her friend Suzie Johnson. Both are from Houston. They traveled with a group of friends for the Big Red Barn opening day last spring and then White came back for the Marburger Farm opening the following day. White owns a small antiques business at the Memorial Antiques & Interiors showroom in Houston. Many celebrities — actors, singers, sports stars and TV interior designers and decorators — have been spotted in the crowds of shoppers, including, clockwise from top center, TV home makeover stars Chip and Joanna Gaines, designer/actor Carson Kressley, former NFL star Peyton Manning, country singer Miranda Lambert and actor Matthew McConaughey. Upper left photo by Ken Herman



8,000-square-foot A.R.T. opened in spring

Ted Fuehr
Ted Fuehr and his wife, Jennifer Fuehr, have been dealers at Round Top shows for 15 years.

As existing Round Top venues expand and new ones seek toeholds, one of the newest is A.R.T., which stands for Antique Round Top. The 8,000-square-foot, climate-controlled space opened its doors this spring. 

The venue, at 2260 N. State Highway 237, north of Marburger Farm and south of Round Top, is the brainchild of longtime dealers Ted Fuehr and his wife, Jennifer Fuehr, of Shawnee, Kan. 

Their 47-year career as show dealers includes more than 15 years at Round Top, where they began selling 18th-and 19th-century American furniture and accessories, then added items from other genres and time periods. 

“I’ve watched Round Top grow from a small amount of venues to become a megamarket,” he said. “We’re getting major decorators and designers from both coasts — New York, L.A., Miami, Seattle, Atlanta, Denver, San Francisco and quite a few from North Carolina — and they’re spending a lot of money buying, in some instances, a semitrailer load of merchandise.”

Ted Fuehr said Round Top is cost- and time-efficient for designers and decorators because of the variety of goods sold in one area. Buyers can find items for homes, stores, restaurants or hotels. 

Janet and Rick Waldrop
Janet and Rick Waldrop of Carthage take in the offerings at A.R.T., which stands for Antique Round Top. Janet makes jewelry and art from antiques for her Skip 2 My Lou shop's booth at Marburger Farm. Ken Herman photo

Janet and Rick Waldrop of Carthage in East Texas were among those checking out A.R.T. this spring. They weren’t just casual shoppers. Janet Waldrop makes jewelry and art from antique “found objects” for her business, Skip 2 My Lou, inside the Marburger Farm venue.

“It’s amazing how many new people are coming in from everywhere,” she said. “They all say (the antiques festival) is so much more than that they thought it would be.”

— Sharon Jayson



Pros know to plan far in advance

There are several dozen trendy places to stay overnight in Round Top during the spring and fall shows, but the supply cannot keep up with demand. The hottest spots near town are reserved a year — or years — in advance. 

A few often-mentioned overnight spots, all renovated with a chic vibe, include: 

Hotel Lulu
Hotel Lulu

HOTEL LULU: Spread across six 19th-century bungalows and three private cottages; in earlier times, the restored buildings were known as Bybee Square; also an herb garden, formal garden and pool; 204 E. Mill St., Round Top; 979-249-5174;

RANCHO PILLOW: Twenty-acre compound two miles from Warrenton, self-described “whimsical wonderland” with grounds that include a bathhouse, heated saltwater wading pool and treehouse; 11222 Schuster Road, Round Top;; make reservations online or email

THE COTTON PEARL MOTEL: Compound of properties from the early 1900s includes a main house and two cottages, pool, firepit and pickleball court; 404 N. Live Oak St., Round Top; must book entire property for two-night minimum;

THE FRENCHIE: Boutique hotel with assorted rooms in an 1800s vintage farmhouse, also art studio suites, poolside rooms, a private cottage and private shed, with amenities that include fire pits, massages, hot tub and gourmet kitchen; 311 N. Live Oak St., Round Top; 979-208-9851;

WANDER INN: Numerous chic rooms, including the Wanderlust, the Stardust and the Wild Blue Yonder, are at the inn, adjacent to the retail compound Junk Gypsy, a brand known to HGTV and now QVC shopping network fans; 1215 S. State Highway 237, Round Top; 979-249-5865;

The Round Top Area Chamber of Commerce’s member directory lists 49 options for overnight stays, including hotels, motels, bungalows, cabins, apartments, cottages, guesthouses, inns, RV parks and vacation rentals. Go to and click on Stay.

A search for “Round Top” on returns more than 475 area listings stretching from La Grange to Brenham; shows more than 230 listings in the same area. 

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Media contacts

Questions or comments about news stories or media inquiries? Please contact:

Will Holford
Manager of Public Affairs

Alyssa Meinke
Manager of Marketing & Communications 

Next Board of Directors' meeting
Feb. 18

This month's meeting will be held virtually in anticipate on inclement weather.

The agenda for the Board meeting is updated the Friday before the meeting.

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