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I will survive: Life-in-the-wild lessons at wilderness school
By Pam LeBlanc

I'm sawing away like a lumberjack with a handmade bow, its cord wrapped around a wooden spindle. My arms pump furiously as I try to coax an ember from a piece of wood.

Wilderness firestart1
Dave Scott shows writer Pam LeBlanc how to make fire in the wilderness. After gathering the items to make a ‘bow drill’ and spark a small ember, Pam transfers the ember to a bundle of tinder.

Making fire using nothing but a few sticks and a cord isn’t easy. I could walk to a convenience store and buy a lighter by the time a single sunflower seed-sized ember drops from my “fireboard” onto a waiting piece of bark. 

The convenience store route would defeat the purpose of the day, anyway. 

I transfer the glowing bead into a thumb-sized indentation in a bundle of fluffed-up cedar bark and blow gently. It bursts into a tiny tongue of flame. I puff a little more, and it gets bigger. And as it grows, a bolt of confidence sizzles through my soul. 

“I do think one of the coolest things you can learn to do in life is go out into the woods without a tool in your hand and make fire,” says Dave Scott, founder of Earth Native Wilderness School in Cedar Creek, west of Bastrop, where I’ve come for half a day to learn what it takes to survive in the wild without the trappings of modern-day life.

I have to agree with him. 

But there’s more to surviving in the wilderness than making fire. By the time I leave this afternoon, I’ll know not only how to make fire, but also how to stay warm, hydrated and fed if I’m ever away from the comforts of home with nothing but my instincts, a couple of tools and these lessons.

Wilderness sniff test
Dave Scott shows Pam a few basic survival skills, including foraging for and identifying edible plants, such as this wild onion.

Meet the expert

Scott, 41, opened Earth Native Wilderness School in 2011. It occupies 58 acres of wooded land west of Bastrop. The school offers programs for children and adults who want to learn how to live off the land or special skills. About 3,000 people — young and old — sign up for instruction or go to camps every year. The majority of the action is at the Earth Native campus, but there are some activities at Garey Park in Georgetown and McKinney Falls State Park in southeast Austin. 

“It’s just people who like being outdoors and want to increase their skills or learn more about what it takes to take care of themselves in the wilderness,” Scott says. “We don’t get a lot of paranoid people, but with COVID and (2021’s statewide) winter storm, we are hearing from people who feel more vulnerable.”

The school’s style of wilderness training is more about learning confidence and enjoying time in the outdoors than about preparing for an apocalypse. Survival, Scott says, requires a steady disposition, some basic skills and an adjustment to an individual’s comfort level.

Scott grew up exploring Williamson Creek in South Austin. After his father bought land in Colorado, Scott spent summers there, rambling around in the forest. After his father joined a search and rescue team, Scott listened to emergencies unfold over the sheriff’s radio. When he was old enough, he trained for search and rescue work himself. After five years as a U.S. Army police officer, he spent three years training in wilderness survival, then became a survival skills instructor and eventually opened his school.

“I think the combination of my love of nature and wanting to be self-reliant made me to want to learn more about what it takes to take care of myself in the wilderness,” he said.

Lesson 1: Be prepared

The key to wilderness survival, Scott says, is planning ahead so you don’t find yourself in an emergency empty-handed. That’s why he carries a few basic items in his vehicle (see his list, Page 20C) to carry when he ventures into the wild: a small knife, something to start a fire and a water filter.

Still, emergencies happen. When they do, it’s important to stay calm. Take some deep breaths and quiet your mind.

There are three basic needs you must attend to: body temperature, food and water — or what Scott calls the survival triangle.

He makes it sound simple: “To me, the whole act of survival is problem-solving.”

Lesson 2: Not too hot, not too cold

Faro rod
A ferro rod or fire starter, such as the one above by Texas Bushcraft, creates 5,000-degree sparks — hot enough to ignite a variety of tinder to then burn kindling. This model includes a paracord lanyard, a whistle and a bottle opener. It costs about $16.

Are you cool enough? Or warm enough? Can you maintain a comfortable body temperature with the clothing and shelter you have? If not, you should address this first. 

If it’s hot, stay out of direct sunlight. Seek shade. Even better? Dip yourself in a creek if there’s one nearby. 

If you’re cold, look at the materials around you. Try stuffing dry leaves inside your shirt to create a layer of insulation. 

If you need to sleep, don’t lie directly on the ground. Lay down a bed of boughs first. You can also build a rudimentary shelter using branches and leaves, but that may not be necessary. Even finding a wind break or making one out of dirt or rocks can help.

“People think of shelter as a grand thing with a roof and fire, but that’s so much work,” Scott says. “More practically, prepare ahead of time. Carry lightweight things like a sheet of plastic to use as a wind block. And remember that movement and exercise help keep you warm.” 

If you need fire to stay toasty — or to cook food or boil water — use what you have available to light it. Maybe you packed matches or a ferro rod, which is a small metal rod that sheds sparks when scraped with a knife (a good item to carry when backpacking). First, set dry, small twigs on fire, then work your way up to larger materials. Flat sticks burn better than round ones, and tree sap makes a good accelerant. Remember that flames burn upward, so start the fire from the bottom.

Creating a fire with the bow drill method I used takes practice, but it’s not impossible. From start to finish, it took me about an hour. Start by preparing a tennis ball-sized nest of shredded dry bark (I used juniper). Then you’ll make a fireboard by cutting chocolate chip-sized divots into a length of wood (we used a thick piece of trumpet vine). Next, carve notches leading from the divots to the edge of the fireboard.

After that, sharpen one end of a stick that is about an inch thick and a foot long to make a spindle. Then fasten a cord (use a natural fiber or vine if you don’t have a cord) to both ends of a curved branch (I used a juniper bough) to serve as a bow. Last, find a block of wood about the size of a deck of cards to use as a “handhold.” 

You’ll twist the spindle into the cord on the bow, place the tip of the spindle onto the fireboard and brace your arm against your body. Clamp down with the handhold, then start to move the bow back and forth. 

It’s wobbly at first, but after a few minutes you’ll find a rhythm. If you’re doing it right, in a few minutes a fine dust will fill in the notch in the fireboard. If all goes well, the heat created by friction will carbonize that dust and create an ember. 

Tap that ember onto a leaf or bit of bark below your fireboard, then carefully plant it inside the wad of fluffed-up bark and blow gently.

Voilà, fire.

Lesson 3: Food for energy

Dave Scott, above, finds some 'cleavers,' a common Central Texas plant, which can be cooked down like spinach. His love for nature and the outdoors began when he was a child. He has shared his knowledge of wilderness survival, bushcraft skills and wildlife tracking with thousands of adults and children at his wilderness school west of Bastrop.

Once you’ve taken care of your body temperature, you need to think about replacing calories lost through activity.

Here in Texas, we’ve got lots of options. I followed Scott as he foraged around his property, choosing bits of plants like he was moving through a salad bar. 

First, he plucked a ruffled green leaf from a dock plant and offered me a nibble. It tasted slightly tart and lemony. Then he pulled up a few wild onions. Cleavers, those sticky, low-growing weeds that feel like a cat’s tongue (I call it Velcro plant), can be cooked down like spinach. He calls wood sorrel the “Skittles of the woods” for its tangy zing. Dewberries, mesquite beans, wild blackberries and pecans are all tasty options, too.

Other plants can be used for medicinal purposes. He points out a toothache tree. Chew its leaves or twigs to numb your tongue. Crush the leaves of a small plantain (different from the bananas that go by the same name), and use it to treat insect bites or inflammation. 

We also brewed tea, toasting up a pan of yaupon leaves for 30 seconds, then pouring hot water over them. It’s an acquired taste — nutty and earthy — but loaded with caffeine. 

Of course, exercise caution to make sure you know what you are eating. Learn more about foraging for food in Texas with the books “Wild Edible Plants of Texas” by Charles Kane, “Foraging Texas” by Falcon Guides and “Common Edible and Medicinal Plants of Texas” by Wesley Adams.

For something heartier, look no farther than the nearest creek or lake. A plastic water bottle can be converted into a minnow trap. Just cut the top off and invert it, so minnows get washed in but can’t back out. You can eat them raw if need be, or cook them up over a fire. “The skin crisps up and the tail is good,” Scott chuckles. 

Lesson 4: Don’t dehydrate

cup of tea
Indigenous people brewed tea like this, above, from the leaves of yaupon, an evergreen holly. It is the only plant native to North America that contains caffeine and is related to South America’s yerba maté.

You need water to stay alive. If you didn’t bring a water bottle or filter with you into the outdoors, you’ve still got options, although there are fewer if you’re in a desert environment.

Use a rock or a hole lined with leaves to catch rainwater. If you have a container, boil the liquid over a fire to purify it. If you don’t, squeeze it through a T-shirt, then let it settle in the sun for at least six hours (longer if the sky is cloudy).

My favorite solution? Wild grapevine. It grows all over Central Texas and can be as thick as an adult’s arm. Cut through a section of thick vine, then put a container (or a rock with a hole in it) at each end. You can drain up to a liter (four cups) of water from a healthy plant.

Lesson 5: Keep calm and carry on

In the end, a level head will go a long way toward staying safe. 

Stay calm and remember priorities. Don’t rehash whatever mistakes you’ve made to find yourself in a bad situation. You can analyze that later. 

And don’t feel sorry for yourself. “In an emergency or real crisis, you can’t afford to do that. It’s not useful,” Scott says.

Instead, take a deep breath and keep it all in perspective. “Humor and the ability to not take yourself too seriously are the best survival skills of all,” Scott adds. 

A little dollop of humor helped me make that fire and propelled me through the rest of my wilderness survival training. They are skills I hope I never have to use, but if I do, I’ll know it’s possible to survive out there — even without a lighter.

Vehicle essentials: Plan ahead to survive in the wild

If you are stranded — temporarily, hopefully — in a remote wilderness location, the best strategy is to have planned in advance for the unexpected. Dave Scott, the founder of Earth Native Wilderness School west of Bastrop, recommends stocking your vehicle with these supplies in case you ever find yourself in such a predicament.

Vehicle gear
A multi-purpose tool like the Leatherman, above, is an indispensable survival device that can cost from $30 to more than $100.
  • Two flashlights
  • Multi-purpose tool (Leatherman or something similar)
  • Non-folding knife (Morakniv makes good quality inexpensive knives.)
  • Extra weather-appropriate clothing: long-sleeved sun shirt, hat in heat; insulated jacket, knit cap, gloves in cold.
  • Emergency water — 2 gallons
  • Battery jumper pack: Scott prefers these to jumper cables because you aren’t reliant on another vehicle. Make sure to get one large enough to jump your battery. If you have a truck or large SUV you need a more powerful one than if you have a sedan.  Small pack to carry if you need to leave your vehicle (see list below)
  • Good first aid kit (such as Adventure Medical Kits’ backcountry version)
  • Sleeping bag or wool blankets in cold weather
  • Lightweight water filter (such as Sawyer mini system)
  • Paper road maps or map book (Gazetteer) of your state, nearby cities
  • Emergency road flares

In addition to the gear in your vehicle, keep a small, dedicated emergency pack, like a fanny pack with a shoulder strap, as an emergency tote. Stock it with these items:

Another recommended item for your survival kit is a folding saw like the Silky Pocketboy, above, which sells for about $40.
  • Quality non-folding knife
  • Compass
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • LED flashlight with an on/off switch (one that will burn for many hours even if that means lower lumen power); two sets of extra batteries for light
  • Folding saw, like a Silky Pocketboy
Include a package of fatwood, a natural, waterproof  firestarter made from the resin found in the stumps of pine trees.
  • Two to four fire-starting options (hurricane matches, lighters)
  • Fire starters, like fatwood
  • Emergency ponchos
  • Three thick, extra-large trash bags for use as a wind break or to pull over your body
  • Lightweight small tarp (Scott recommends lightweight tent floor with webbing attachment at corners, or painter’s plastic if you can tie a sheet bend knot)

Iodine or similar water purification tablets

Two clear, 2-liter water-carrying bags

Stainless steel water bottle

  • Small amount of high-calorie food (Scott recommends 500-1,000 calories a day)
  • Sugar and salt packets
  • Emergen-C or other electrolyte replacement
Additional items
  • Mini first aid kit
  • Extra pair of prescription glasses
  • Small amount of prescription medication if critical  30 feet of paracord rope
  • Several gallon-size Ziploc bags to keep items clean, dry
  • Whistle
  • Signal mirror
  • Small fishing kit (think small pill-bottle sized with hooks, line, weights and maybe a synthetic worm or small lure)
  • Pencil notepad (Write in the Rain makes a waterproof pad)
  • Some flagging tape to mark route on trees, branches if you leave vehicle


137 Woodview Lane
Bastrop, Texas, 78602

earthnativeschool.com   512-299-8870



  • Two-day Wilderness Survival 101 for adults includes strategies for surviving emergencies, fire lighting using friction; basic shelter building, finding edible/medicinal/useful plants; water collection and purification, food/foraging techniques, knife/tool use and more; $245
  • Individual day or weekend adult skill courses include land navigation, wildlife tracking, basket making, edible/medicinal plants and more; from $45 to $245
  • Ongoing adult intensive courses include wilderness survival, wildlife tracking; one weekend a month for 8 months; October-May; $2,495 to $2,995 (payable in installments)
  • Youth classes, ages 5 to 16, include Wild Outside weekly class throughout school year; $1,995 (payable in installments); and individual one- and two-day weekend classes; about $55 a day
  • Preschool classes, ages 3½ to 5, one- or two-day a week programs at Wild Life Forest Preschool; monthly and one-day weekend classes during the school year; prices vary
  • Summer camps include five-day sessions at three locations: Earth Native's campus in Bastrop, McKinney Falls State Park in southeast Austin or Garey Park in Georgetown, $375; five-day overnight camps at Earth Native campus in Bastrop. $695; camps are full this summer
Card Teaser
Making fire without tools, storing water in a vine and snacking on wood sorrel are among the lessons learned at wilderness school

Bluebonnet awards scholarships to 60 outstanding students
Academic scholarships
The academic recipients, above,  are, front row from left, Weston Bauer, Weston Hinze, Kelsey Zientek, Bryan Gonzalez, Kenley Mikolajchak, Cassidy Fuchs, Caylee Garza, Garrett Tittle, Hadlee Ladewig, Chloe Callan, Jada Martin, Rachel Frerich, Jared Mueller, Katie Mikolajchak, Briana Torres and Eli Saunders; second row, from left, Carlee Edwards, Breanna Loredo-Rayas, Hayden Bexley, Morgan Becka, Allison Schneider, Maile Escalona, Kiersten Reed, Avery Turner, Jamie Doggett, Madelyn Birnbaum, Grace Howe, Adrienne Zientek, Laci Marburger, Nathan Lucas and Piper Swisher; and back row, from left, Abby Kennon, Kacie Morriss, Briana Mutschink, Creed Whitfill, Avery Croft, Cole Heger, Emily Spiess and Gavin Gomez. Not pictured: Wylie Barrett, Kathleen Coleman, Waylon Hinze and Branson Warmke. Photo by Sarah Beal

Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative awarded $150,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors from across the cooperative’s service area in April. Each Scholarship of Excellence is for $2,500. This year more than 180 students applied for 60 scholarships. The cooperative awarded 43 academic scholarships to students who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees and 17 scholarships to students pursuing trade or technical certification or degrees in a vocational field.

Recipients plan to study dental hygiene, land surveying, construction science, nursing and other fields at schools including Blinn College, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas State Technical College and the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. Students pursuing bachelor’s degrees plan to attend Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Austin, Sam Houston State University and Texas Tech University, among others. Their planned areas of study include computer science, agriculture, biology, fashion merchandising, forensic and investigative science, and small business entrepreneurship.

The cooperative has given out more than $600,000 in scholarships in the past five years. Get applications for 2023 scholarships in November on bluebonnet.coop.

Card Teaser
Bluebonnet awards $150,000 to graduating high school seniors

Lineman's Rodeo competition returns after hiatus

Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative will send two journeyman line worker teams, seven apprentice line workers and six competition judges, as well as a barbecue team and additional volunteers, to the Texas Lineman’s Rodeo at Nolte Island Park near Seguin on July 16.

After the event was canceled for two years, everyone from participants to volunteers are ready to return to the competition fields.

The event gives line workers a chance to compete against peers from across Texas, and to demonstrate the skills they use in their jobs.

Come cheer on Bluebonnet’s competitors in person or track their progress on our social media pages that day.

Learn more about the event at tlra.org.

Card Teaser
Bluebonnet will send journeyman line worker teams, apprentices and competition judges
Expanded backup radio system will help community stay connected during emergencies
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Questions or comments about news stories or media inquiries? Please contact:

Will Holford
Manager of Public Affairs

Alyssa Meinke
Manager of Marketing & Communications 

Next Board of Directors' meeting
January 21

The agenda for the Board meeting is updated the Friday before the meeting.

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